06202 - 127550

Hire the Catchbox

Hire the original Catchbox® Module (formerly called "Pro") the slightly different audience microphone – from rent4event. Being a partner of Catchbox® we can offer you either the standard version (orange, green or blue with Catchbox® logo) or, on request, also your own color and design (e.g. your company logo), according to personal taste. But what exactly entails this original microphone version exactly?

Increased attention of the audience by using Catchbox

It is a frequent practice at many events to include the audience in discussions or enable the audience to ask guests and moderators on stage questions by passing a handheld transmitter around if the need arises. Of course, this approach still serves its purpose. However, on many an event using Catchbox® may be clearly advantageous in order to spice this process noticeably up. Your audience will thank you for it by a distinctly brightened mood (please click here or on the picture on the left to watch a video of Catchbox® in use).

Instead of just passing the microphone on to the questioner slowly (which can sometimes be quite time-consuming) you simply throw him or her the Catchbox®.  Due to its soft foam material neither will your guests get hurt nor will the high-quality technology inside of Catchbox® (Shure transmission path) be damaged if the microphone should nosedive.

The participant just holds the microphone in a 20-30 cm distance from his mouth and speaks into the Catchbox® cube. Afterwards he disposes of the microphone like described above. Lots of fun, a relaxed atmosphere and active participation of your guests will be guaranteed.

If you should prefer your own design (e.g. your company logo) to the orange, green or blue standard versions, do not hesitate to talk to us (in this case you should however allow for at least 2-3 weeks of lead and/or production time). Even if you should be interested in buying a Catchbox® instead of renting one (new or second hand), we are the right contact for you.  

We will rent the Catchbox® to you together with a Shure transmission path (consisting of a pocket transmitter inside the Catchbox® and a Shure receiver).

With this Catchbox® set, you not only rent an interesting but also a technically sophisticated complete product which will surely make every event a memorable experience.

Find further information as well in the Catchbox Mod manual as well as in the tech specs data sheet.


If you should have questions regarding renting a Catchbox® Module (formerly named Catchbox "Pro") or your individual design of the foam cover of the Catchbox®, please contact us here. You are welcome to have a look at our rental price list. There you will find the prices for renting the Catchbox® Module under "sound technology"

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