06202 - 127550


Peer Steinbrueck, SPD's (Social Democratic Party of Germany) candidate for chancellor ran his election campaign for the parliamentary elections in 2013 for about one month. Its particular challenge was clearly the logistics planning, because some of the big rallies (for example in Hannover, Bremen, Wurzburg, Nuremberg, Munich, Hamburg, Kassel, Dortmund, Frankfurt a.M.) were held simultaneously, so we temporarily worked with two teams of technicians, cameramen and assistants and had to take into account night transports and construction works.

At the most visited public open air events the following equipment were used: 15m² 16: 9 LED outdoor wall (Ektavision LVM-8C) which was set effectively in scene using a special trailer-based LED wall lift, which is extendable up to a remarkable height of 7.20m, regardless of rainy or sunny weather. A 3-camera direction with Panasonic AV-HS450 video mixer made sure of best image quality and that Peer Steinbrueck was put optimally in scene from every angle.

As the highlight of the tour, we set up the event twice the size directly with a 5- camera direction on two huge 28 m² LED screens and eight 70"LCD displays at the Berlin Alexanderplatz. Per bidirectional SNG satellite transmission we could broadcast it in the truest sense across (city) borders to and from Duisburg, Frankfurt and Leipzig. Advanced fiber-optic connections were used as signalling.

The result was a really exciting tour lasting from 08/21 to 09/23/2013, which might have left many positive, remaining impressions.


© Patrick Jungmann


Auch 2021 waren wir wieder mit dabei. Diesmal mit noch mehr LED Technik. Neben der Main LED on Stage bespielten wir zusätzlich auch zwei LED Wände rechts und links der Bühne. Zusätzlich sorgte unser LED-Trailer für gute Sicht auch von den hinteren Plätzen. Gerade zu Corona-Zeiten, wenn man auf ausreichende Abstände achten muss, machte das durchaus Sinn. Zudem übernahmen wir auch Zuspielung und die Regie.

Neben Berlin (Foto) machten wir auch noch Station in Köln, Göttingen, Worms, Bochum und München.

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